Austin Real Estate Market vs. Blue-Chip Stocks – How Do They Compare?

How Does Austin Real Estate Market compare to Blue-Chip Stocks?

We hear about Austin Real Estate market and how valuable is has become. But just how valuable?

The total value of Austin’s residential real estate market reached $222 billion dollars, according to Aug. 28th report by lending tree. Austin’s real estate market has now surpassed the market cap of big name Blue-Chip stocks such as Walmart , Coca-Cola, Netflix Inc, and PepsiCo Inc.

Austin Real Estate market, how valuable is it?

That’s only slightly larger than the last evaluation of consumer good company Procter & Gamble Co. (NYSE), with a total market capitalization of $2o5 billion, which, is just behind Intel Corp. (Nasdaq) at $222.9 billion, all based off Friday (8/31/18) afternoon share prices.

Austin’s residential real estate market totals $222 billion

The worlds first trillion dollar market capitalization was just achieved by Apple, Inc. , as a comparison, Apple Inc is more valuable than all but the most expensive housing markets in the nation, only New York at $2.5 trillion, Los Angeles at 2.2 $trillion and San Francisco at $1.5 trillion , break the 13 digit mark.

The most expensive housing markets in the nation

The market capitalization is calculated by multiplying the number of outstanding shares of a company stock by its share price. It’s a good indication of the publics perceived value of a company, although it doesn’t give the total equity value of the company because it ignores things such as preferred share that aren’t available on the open markets.


Los Angeles at 2.2 $trillion and San Francisco at $1.5 trillion

Real estate market capitalization is inherently different from previously mentioned stock market cap. Let me offer a very over simplified break down:

Say you moved to an island that has 5 houses on it. You and your friends buy 3 of the houses for $100k each. The two other home owners, hearing their houses MIGHT also be worth $100k , decide to list their homes.

Now the islands real estate market cap is $500k, but only $300k was actually invested or spent in the market.

The Austin real estate market capitalization is a projected price including the houses still on the open market.

Austin’s real estate market cap totaling $222 billion is also about as valuable the entire GDP of Vietnam, estimated at $220 billion in 2017.

Austin real estate market ranked No.22 in the LendingTree report, which came in between Tampa, Florida and Charlotte, North Carolina.

Included in the report Americans own a combined $28.4 trillion of residential real estate in the United States, data sourced from over 155 million properties.


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